École Doncaster Elementary ~ Kindergarten FAQs
Where should I bring my child in the morning and where do I pick them up at the end of the day?
The morning bell goes at 8:45, at which time students line up at the appropriate outside door. Teachers spend much early effort and time to help students know at which doors to line up. The dismissal bell goes at 2:37 p.m. each day. Your child’s teacher will communicate where she will be escorting students for end-of-day pick-up.
Am I expected to remain with my child in the morning until he/she lines up at 8:45?
Doncaster has two student supervisors who are on the primary playground and at the front area of the school beginning at 8:30 a.m. These same supervisors are also stationed at the same locations for 15 minutes after the afternoon dismissal bell, until 2:52 p.m. If your child is feeling confident that she/he can find the appropriate location in which to line up in the mornings, families are free to drop students off after 8:30 am, once supervision commences.
I have to drive to the school in the mornings. Where can I drop my child off?
While families are encouraged to walk or bike to school whenever possible in order to minimize the traffic around the school, we understand that this is often not an option for many families. If you are using the drive-through in front of the school, please move your car along in the drop-off area to the furthest open spot in line, then help your child to exit your vehicle as quickly and as safely as possible (parking or leaving your car unattended is not permitted in the drop-off zone). Some families choose to park on one of the nearby side streets and then walk the block or so to school with their children.
How will my child be supervised at recess and at lunch?
We have several adult supervisors on the playground during both morning and lunch recesses. Kindergarten students in each class are assigned a specific colour of “pinny” (small vests) to wear for the first months of the year and which help students to see where to line up at the end of recess. These “pinnies” also help our adult supervisors to assist Kindergarten students in navigating the playground and in lining up at the correct location. We also have our adult supervisors in the Kindergarten classes while students are eating in order to assist them and to help maintain a calm tone. Each kindergarten class also has two or more Grade Five lunch monitors to help students.
How do Kindergarten students interact with other students on the playground? What about bullying?
The Kindergarten students will begin their year playing together at the primary playground. Staff at Doncaster spends much time talking with our students about treating others in a kind and respectful manner and about how to solve problems. We realize that conflict on the playground can happen. One important way to deal with it is to help students bring their concerns to an adult as quickly as possible so that they can get help dealing with the problem. If you hear of something from your child, please bring it to our attention as quickly as possible so we can help.
Do all teachers require Kindergarten students to have indoor shoes and an extra set of clothing?
Typically, students will be asked to bring indoor shoes (Velcro or laces that they can tie themselves) as well as perhaps other clothing items. Please check with your child’s teacher for the items she would like you to have at school. Young students do sometimes have accidents and need a change of clothes. We also have some clean spares in the office. Please check with your child’s teacher for the items they would like you to have at school.
What are the bathroom procedures for Kindergarten students?
Most Kindergarten teachers bring students to the washroom several times a day, particularly for the first several days while students are still orientating themselves to the location of the washrooms in the school. You can help your child prepare for school by encouraging him or her to use the washroom independently. Please note that students are expected to be able to toilet themselves with minimal help by Kindergarten. If your child is not able to do so, please let us know so that we can help to deal with the particular issues.
Can anyone take books out of the library?
All students can take books from the library. There is also a section of books for parents that the PAC has helped to create.
Are parents allowed in the classrooms?
Parents are welcome at Doncaster. Each teacher will have particular methods and roles that they like to use with parents. For example, a Kindergarten class may ask for parents to help read with students. We do ask that parents stay clear of the hallways for the 15 minutes near bell time in the mornings and in the afternoons. The hallways are very busy at these times with teachers planning in the morning and with students returning to classes from the library, gym and computer lab in the afternoon. At these times, please wait outside or in the front hallway by the main doors.
When do I bring school supplies to school and should I label them?
Teachers generally appreciate your bringing your child’s school supplies as soon as possible.
Kindergarten classes usually share supplies, so we ask that you not label supplies.
What does the Doncaster Parents’ Advisory Committee (DPAC) do? How can I get involved in the PAC?
DPAC is the formal organization of Doncaster parents. DPAC gives parents input into the direction of the school, organizes fundraising and helps distribute information about the school to parents. DPAC is a part of many events around the school, including monthly hot lunches, Primary Dance club, fine arts performances, family movie nights and dances, and FUN day in June. As the parent or guardian of a Doncaster student, you are already a DPAC member. The DPAC meets on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Library, and all parents are welcome. DPAC meetings provide parents with the opportunity to hear about specific issues and happenings in the school and to have input into some of the school happenings. It is also a good chance to get directly involved in events such as school lunches and fundraising. The DPAC Executive are elected each year from members of the PAC.
What is a “Class Rep”?
Each class at Doncaster has a volunteer representative who gets information from DPAC and then sends it out to the other parents in the class, usually by e-mail. The class rep is one of the best ways to give and to get information.
What are the extracurricular activities at Doncaster? What ages/grade do they start? How do I sign my child up?
Extracurricular activities vary but include sports like cross country running, basketball, soccer, floor hockey and track. Most of these are for grades five, although cross country and track include grade threes and fours. Watch for more information coming out. Students sign up for these activities on their own. Most of them have room for everyone who comes out.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (250) 595-3611.